Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 ESR Group Limited (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) Stock Code: 1821
OUR ESG APPROACH PILLAR 1: HUMAN CENTRIC PILLAR 2: PROPERTY PORTFOLIO PILLAR 3: CORPORATE PERFORMANCE Contents ABOUT THIS REPORT 86 ESG Data Summary 99 Independent Assurance 101 HKEX and GRI Indices SPACE AND INVESTMENT SOLUTIONS FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE ESG is deeply embedded within our corporate culture. As APAC’s leading real asset manager powered by the New Economy and one of the largest listed real estate investment managers, we aspire to be thought leaders who proactively set the standard and lay the foundation for a sustainable future. Sustainability is central to our mission because we aspire to improve the environmental prospects of our planet. Our responsibilities to stakeholders, local communities and the world at large grow in tandem with our business. Accordingly, we commit to lead and embrace the highest standards of corporate governance in forging a path to become a carbon neutral business. 3 About ESR 5 Letter from Chairman 6 Letter from Group Co-founders and Co-CEOs 7 2023 ESG Achievements 8 Materiality 9 ESG @ ESR 13 ESG in Action 20 Stakeholder Engagement 22 Safety, Health & Well-being 26 Managing & Developing Talent 29 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 31 Community Investment 39 Sustainable & Efficient Operations 47 Sustainable Building Certifications 49 Climate Change Resilience 59 Flexible & Adaptable Properties 60 Strategic Locations 67 Corporate Governance 73 Risk Management 79 Responsible Investment 81 Disclosure & Reporting 83 Supply Chain Management
OUR ESG APPROACH Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 3 About ESR ESR Group Limited (“ESR”, “Group” or “We”) is Asia-Pacific’s (“APAC”) leading real asset manager powered by the New Economy and one of the largest listed real estate investment managers. With US$81 billion in fee-related assets under management, ESR’s fully integrated fund management and development platform extends across various APAC markets, comprising Australia/New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Greater China, Singapore, Southeast Asia and India, with a presence in Europe and the U.S. ESR is listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, and is a constituent of the FTSE Global Equity Index Series (Large Cap), Hang Seng Composite and MSCI Hong Kong Indices. Visit www.esr.com for more information. INVESTMENT ESR's investments comprise coinvestments into its funds and REITs under management, investments in listed/privately held real estate investment vehicles, as well as investment properties (completed and under development). NEW ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT ESR's New Economy development platform has a comprehensive suite of technical capabilities and services covering every stage of the development cycle including land sourcing, design, construction and leasing. FUND MANAGEMENT ESR manages a broad range of funds and investment vehicles that invest in a diverse portfolio of premium real assets in various stages of the property life cycle, providing a single interface with multiple investment opportunities for its capital partners. Our activities encompass three core business areas:
New Economy Alternatives REITs US$14 billion MAINLAND CHINA US$15 billion AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND US$0.3 billion US$7 billion HONG KONG US$15 billion JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA US$13 billion U.S. / EUROPE US$17 billion INDIA, SINGAPORE AND SOUTHEAST ASIA OUR ESG APPROACH Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 4 About ESR APAC's Leading Real Asset Manager Powered by the New Economy FEE-RELATED AUM 1,2 US$81 billion GFA4 49 million sqm TOTAL AUM 1, 3 US$156 billion ESR’s vision is to deliver a fully integrated solution to leading global capital partners and customers. Leveraging our scale, extensive offerings, capabilities, and resources, we provide a suite of best-in-class real estate development products and real asset investment solutions that spur meaningful, long-term sustainable growth for our business, the economy, and the environment. ESR is committed to making a positive impact to its stakeholders and communities. Notes: 1. Based on FX rates as at 31 December 2023. 2. Fee-related AUM excludes AUM from Associates and levered uncalled capital. 3. Total AUM included the reported AUM of the Associates and assumed the value of the uncalled capital commitments in the private funds and investment vehicles on a levered basis. 4. Excludes Associates.
As we reflect on the past year, we are proud to share our progress in advancing our ESG strategy across ESR’s integrated fund management and development platform. At ESR, we are pleased to have the Board’s overarching commitment and continued support to create long-lasting value for our stakeholders. In line with our ESG vision, mission and framework, the Board approved the Group’s enhanced suite of ESG policies in March 2023, setting the tone for a unified approach to fostering an effective corporate governance culture and incorporating ESG factors into every aspect of our operations and business, as they are pivotal to our success and a key enabler to pre-empt and mitigate our risks. As APAC’s leading real asset manager powered by the New Economy and one of the largest listed real estate managers globally, we see tremendous potential in our scale to drive sustainable returns for our investors, minimise our environmental impact and build stronger communities where we operate. In 2023, the Group made significant progress against our targets as set out under our ESG 2030 Roadmap, which was unveiled in May 2023. The roadmap underscores the Group’s commitment to enhance our synergies and accelerate long-term sustainable growth across the three key pillars under our ESG Framework — “Creating a Human Centric environment that is safe, supportive and inclusive for stakeholders”; “Developing and maintaining a sustainable and efficient Property Portfolio”; and “Delivering outstanding Corporate Performance for sustained and balanced growth”. Under the Human Centric pillar, the Group continues to advocate diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace, uphold employee health and safety, drive employee engagement and scale up community investment initiatives under three dedicated focus areas, namely: “Strengthening Social Resilience, Health and Well-being”, “Promoting Education & Upskilling”, and “Protecting the Environment”. Within our Property Portfolio pillar, the Group remains committed to developing and maintaining sustainable and efficient operations, increasing sustainable building certifications and ratings, building flexible and adaptable properties in strategic locations, and improving resilience against climate change. Within the Corporate Performance pillar, the Group is committed to upholding the utmost standards of corporate governance to ensure accountability, transparency, fairness and integrity across all our operations. The Group has also embarked on preparatory work for our inaugural United Nations-supported Principles of Responsible Investment (“UN PRI”) reporting due in 2024. Given the urgency of the net-zero challenge and its growing importance to our stakeholders, the Group continues to reduce energy demand through sustainable design features, reduce our carbon footprint through energy-efficient measures at the asset level, increase the uptake of renewable energy solutions and pursue green building certifications and ratings across our portfolio. As part of the Group’s decarbonisation efforts, we are proud to announce the launch of several synergistic partnerships which include renewables in China, Australia and South Korea and electrification of our logistics supply chain in Japan. The Group is progressing well on our Net Zero Strategy and Decarbonisation Roadmap which includes an embodied carbon strategy with reduction initiatives and interim milestone targets to support the eventual target of net zero whole life carbon across our value chain. Looking ahead, the Group will continue to accelerate our transition to a more inclusive, low-carbon and climate resilient future. We will leverage our diverse strengths, take collective actions to influence positively at scale and drive sustainable growth and consciousness in the markets in which we operate. Thank you for your continued trust and partnership in our pursuit of a sustainable future for all. Jeffrey David Perlman Chairman 24 April 2024 OUR ESG APPROACH Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 5 Letter from Chairman JEFFREY DAVID PERLMAN Chairman “Looking ahead, the Group will continue to accelerate our transition to a more inclusive, low-carbon and climate resilient future. We will leverage our diverse strengths, take collective actions to influence positively at scale and drive sustainable growth and consciousness in the markets in which we operate.”
Although 2023 was a challenging year for the global economy and our company, we are pleased with the way we have navigated the environment. Throughout this period, we have remained steadfast in maintaining our strategic focus and delivering on our mission statement to provide Space and Investment Solutions for a Sustainable Future. Part of our mission to build a sustainable business includes aligning the perspectives and expectations of our key stakeholders to our ESG efforts and being accountable. We have previously conducted a materiality assessment to identify important issues surrounding the Group’s social and environmental impact areas that hold the most significance for our key stakeholders including employees, customers and shareholders amongst others. In 2023, these ESG factors were reviewed, in consideration of recent global trends, as well as risks and opportunities impacting our stakeholders in short and medium to long-term horizons. The review assessed that the 15 material ESG factors (see page 8) remain relevant to the Group and they formed the focus areas under our three pillar ESG Framework: Human Centric, Property Portfolio and Corporate Performance. Throughout 2023, we continued to focus on driving our key, strategic initiatives to advance our commitments to environmental stewardship, social responsibility and strong governance, in alignment with our newly unveiled ESG 2030 Roadmap. Under this roadmap, ambitious targets were established across each of the three key pillars to accelerate positive impact across the Group. In our FY2023 ESG Report, we would like to share the ESG data, performance, and case studies relating to our approach in fulfilling our commitments. We are pleased to highlight these notable achievements: • Female representation in the Group was 45.4% as we continue to build a more inclusive and equitable workplace. At the Board level with the recent appointment of Joanne Sarah McNamara (1 January 2024), we are proud to have approximately 31% female representation amongst our directors. • In our commitment to be an Employer of Choice and in driving employee engagement, the Group achieved an average employee satisfaction score of 4.25 (out of 5) in its inaugural employee engagement survey, with an overall response rate of 80%. • We actively engaged with communities through volunteering activities, education programmes and partnerships within our dedicated focus areas. In addition, we established a Group Social Impact Committee to drive Group-wide community investment initiatives with global consistency and local relevance. • 112 MW of rooftop solar power capacity and 809 EV charging stations have been installed across our assets globally in addition to the launch of numerous synergistic partnerships as part of our decarbonisation efforts to transition to a low-carbon future. • 42.8% of our global portfolio of completed and directly managed assets were awarded sustainable building certifications and ratings, as we continue to provide best-in-class real assets and solutions for our stakeholders, leveraging state-of-the-art technologies to increase efficiency and reduce our carbon footprint. • Continued recognition of our robust ESG performance and disclosure practices, by upholding strong ratings across various globally recognised ESG benchmarks and rankings. For another year running we obtained outstanding results in the 2023 GRESB Assessment with four Regional Sector Leaders, retained “A” in MSCI ESG Ratings and “Low Risk” in Sustainalytics ESG Risk Ratings, the latter with an approximate 20% improvement in points. • Strengthening our leadership in sustainable finance, the Group announced that it has closed a total of seven Sustainability-Linked Loans (“SLLs”) worth approximately US$4 billion including Hong Kong’s first-ever Green Loan for the development of a logistics centre. Post FY2023, we continued to raise additional SLLs with a cumulative total amount of US$4.4 billion approximately. We would like to thank our Board of Directors for their continued leadership, overall stewardship, and strategic direction in ESG. In parallel, we would also like to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to our senior management teams, colleagues, investors, business partners, customers and communities for their invaluable support and engagement throughout. Going forward, we will continue to harness synergies and leverage our expanded scale, offerings, and capabilities to deliver meaningful and sustainable value. We invite you to read our FY2023 ESG Report and to provide feedback on how we could further advance our ESG journey and create positive changes for all. Stuart Gibson and Jinchu Shen Group Co-founders and Co-CEOs 24 April 2024 STUART GIBSON AND JINCHU SHEN Group Co-founders and Co-CEOs OUR ESG APPROACH Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 6 Letter from Group Co-founders and Co-CEOs “Throughout 2023, we continued to focus on driving our strategic initiatives to advance our commitments to environmental stewardship, social responsibility and strong governance in alignment with our newly unveiled ESG 2030 Roadmap. Under this roadmap, ambitious targets were established across each of the three key pillars to accelerate positive impact across the Group.”
1 Refers to employees of ESR Group for FY2023. 2 Refers to completed projects as of end-Dec 2023. By 1 H 2024, the total capacity will be approximately 150 MW, including solar panels to be installed during the next six months. 3 Refers to fully operational EV charging stations as of December 2023 and excludes installation work in progress during early 2024. 4 Refers to the GFA of certified completed directly managed assets representing approximately 13.4 million sqm in GFA as of December 2023. 5 The Group announced it has closed a total of seven Sustainability-Linked Loans (“SLLs”) worth approximately US$4 billion as at end-2023. To-date, there are in total 10 SLLs raised with a cumulative total amount of US$4.4 billion approximately. 6 Above comparisons in brackets refer to increase in absolute and/or percentages as compared to FY2022. OUR ESG APPROACH Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 7 2023 ESG ACHIEVEMENTS Significant progress has been made based on our ESG 2030 Roadmap, launched in May 2023 . Our priorities include promoting diversity, equity and inclusion, supporting local communities, reducing impact on the environment, addressing climate change and upholding our commitment to corporate governance, amongst others. Some key achievements in 2023 are outlined below: PROPERTY PORTFOLIO 112 MW Installed rooftop solar power capacity2 (↑ by 32% from 85 MW) 8093 EV charging stations installed (↑ by 28% from 631) 42.8 % Of the Group’s assets4 awarded sustainable building certifications and ratings (↑ by 3.9% from 38.9%) Net Zero Carbon Synergistic partnerships launched across major markets to complement overall decarbonisation efforts CORPORATE PERFORMANCE 45 Participating entities in 2023 GRESB Assessment, with average 3.5 Star Rating and 4 Regional Sector Leaders (↑ by 22% from 37) ~ US$4 billion Seven5 Sustainability-Linked Loans (“SLLs”) raised (↑ by 33% from US$3 billion) UN PRI Preliminary work underway in preparation for inaugural mandatory reporting in 2024 Training Launched virtual training on ESG, Compliance and Risk Management 45.4 % Female representation at Group level1 (↑ by 0.6% from 44.8%) 28 Assets achieved WELL Health-Safety Rating in South Korea (↑ by 17% from 24) Zero Workforce fatalities1, with newlyattained ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety (“OHS”) certifications (Maintained) 4.25 (out of 5) Average employee satisfaction score in inaugural Group Employee Engagement Survey HUMAN CENTRIC
OUR ESG APPROACH Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 8 MATERIALITY Understanding perspectives of our key stakeholders is critical to aligning our ESG efforts with their expectations. Previously, we assessed our material ESG factors to reflect the evolving trends and market practices. Supported by an external consultant, the comprehensive process involved workshops with senior management, internal and external stakeholders and included an assessment of global trends and an internal business review. The conclusion of the workshop provided an updated set of 15 material ESG factors which were prioritised and adopted as the Group’s focus areas under the pillars of Human Centric, Property Portfolio and Corporate Performance. In 2023, these factors were reviewed, in consideration of recent global trends, as well as risks and opportunities impacting our stakeholders in the short, medium, and long-term horizons. As a result, the 15 material ESG factors were deemed to remain relevant to the Group for FY2023. ESR Group Double Materiality Matrix Impact on enterprise value High Low 6 2 1 11 12 8 9 7 13 14 15 4 5 3 10 High Impact on society and the environment Human Centric (Social) 1. Stakeholder Engagement 2. Safety, Health & Well-being 3. Managing & Developing Talent 4. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 5. Community Investment Property Portfolio (Environmental) 6. Sustainable & Efficient Operations 7. Sustainable Building Certifications 8. Climate Change Resilience 9. Flexible & Adaptable Properties 10. Strategic Locations Corporate Performance (Governance) 11. Corporate Governance 12. Risk Management 13. Responsible Investment 14. Disclosure & Reporting 15. Supply Chain Management
OUR ESG APPROACH Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 9 ESG @ ESR ESG considerations are integrated into every aspect of our business through proactive decision-making. We strive to achieve our ESG objectives while keeping in mind our stakeholders’ expectations and incorporate ESG factors into our business operations. Sustainability considerations are built into our core business activities, including investments, fund management and New Economy development through implementing best practices, setting up goals and monitoring performance. We seek to facilitate continuous improvement across each market where we operate and throughout each stage of the whole asset life cycle. A comprehensive ESG investment checklist, approved by the Investment Committee, was established in January 2022. This checklist is an assessment of ESG requirements by fund investors covering climate-related risks, building certifications, renewable energy adoption, indoor environmental quality, material sourcing and sustainable procurement, building technical assessments and environmental management systems, energy, water and waste management efficiencies and occupier considerations, amongst other factors, where applicable. Through this checklist, the Group is able to integrate ESG considerations in its due diligence for better decision making and risk management. In addition, ESR utilises a proprietary database for climate risk assessments in accordance with the requirements outlined by the International Sustainability Standards Board (“ISSB”)’s International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) S2, which is built upon the recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) Framework. Third-party consultants are appointed to conduct specific ESG due diligence including soil and site studies for construction and industrial waste management channels. INVESTMENT IDENTIFICATION MONITORING & REPORTING DUE DILIGENCE PERMIT APPROVALS ASSET DEVELOPMENT ASSET MANAGEMENT Preserved forest area at ESR Yokohama Sachiura Distribution Centre 1, Japan
OUR ESG APPROACH Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 10 ESG @ ESR ESG Vision and Mission We aspire to be a leading provider of Space and Investment Solutions for a Sustainable Future. To drive long-term sustainable growth of the business by creating positive impact on the environment, our stakeholders and the communities around us. ESG Mission ESG Vision ESG Framework Our ESG Framework organises material ESG topics for our business into 15 focus areas under three key pillars: Human Centric, Property Portfolio and Corporate Performance. Each focus area has accompanying strategic initiatives and targets that are monitored, measured and reported on an annual basis. This report provides an overview of our management approaches, as well as an update on our performance during the year. Basic human needs are universal. As we strive to create a safe, supportive and inclusive environment for all employees, customers, suppliers and communities, meeting those needs today while ensuring they can be met in the future is the cornerstone of sustainable development. Focus Areas • Stakeholder Engagement • Safety, Health & Well-being • Managing & Developing Talent • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion • Community Investment Sustainability is central to our mission because we aspire to improve the environmental prospects of our planet. We are committed to environmental stewardship by developing and maintaining sustainable and efficient buildings. Focus Areas • Sustainable & Efficient Operations • Sustainable Building Certifications • Climate Change Resilience • Flexible & Adaptable Properties • Strategic Locations Strong corporate performance is the foundation upon which we will achieve sustained and balanced growth giving rise to stable and dependable returns over the long-term. We embrace the highest standards of governance and ethics in all aspects of business conduct. Focus Areas • Corporate Governance • Risk Management • Responsible Investment • Disclosure & Reporting • Supply Chain Management HUMAN CENTRIC CORPORATE PERFORMANCE PROPERTY PORTFOLIO
OUR ESG APPROACH 11 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 ESG Objectives ESG @ ESR Build assets in strategic locations, with a sustainability focus on-site selection, efficient design, green construction and energy-efficient operations. Conduct engagement initiatives with our stakeholders such as investors, business partners, tenants and communities to elevate our deliverables. Maintain a safe working environment by achieving zero ESR workforce fatalities and promoting the holistic well-being of our people. Enhance community involvement and philanthropic activities through a series of planned events involving our stakeholders. Commit to fostering workplaces embracing diversity that are free from discrimination and achieve a gender ratio target as part of the overall diversity, equity and inclusion plan with monitoring actions and progress. Uphold the highest standards of corporate governance throughout the enlarged Group, with strong core values and business ethics. SPACE AND INVESTMENT SOLUTIONS FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE EMBRACING DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT APPROACH ESG Commitments Our ESG Framework is aligned to six of the Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) from the United Nations 2030 Agenda, the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (“UN PRI”), as well as global ESG frameworks, standards and industry best practices. Aligning our ESG approach to these global commitments helps to guide our business strategies towards desired sustainability outcomes. ESG Pillar UN SDGs IFRS S2 (TCFD) GRI Human Centric GRI 401 – Employment GRI 403 – Occupational Health and Safety GRI 404 – Training and Education GRI 405 – Diversity and Equal Opportunity GRI 406 – Non-discrimination GRI 413 – Local Communities Property Portfolio √ GRI 302 – Energy GRI 303 – Water and Effluents GRI 305 – Emissions GRI 306 – Waste Corporate Performance GRI 205 – Anti-corruption GRI 206 – Anti-competitive Behaviour GRI 418 – Customer Privacy
OUR ESG APPROACH Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 12 ESG @ ESR ESG 2030 Roadmap In May 2023, the Group reaffirmed its commitment to accelerate long-term sustainable growth by unveiling its ESG 2030 Roadmap. Under this roadmap, ambitious targets across the three pillars of its ESG Framework were established to accelerate positive impact across the Group. As we lead the way forward in the transition to a more inclusive, low-carbon and climate resilient future, our ESG 2030 Roadmap will sharpen our focus in harnessing synergistic partnerships, driving greater ESG efforts, and maximising positive outcomes. We will continue to track and report our progress against these nine targets in our annual ESG Reports and other disclosures going forward. HUMAN CENTRIC PROPERTY PORTFOLIO CORPORATE PERFORMANCE Maintain a safe working environment by targeting Zero ESR Workforce Fatalities Achieve and maintain gender ratio of 50/50 women/men Creation of an ESR Group Foundation programme with an investment capacity of up to US$20 million Set up 1,000 MW of solar power capacity on the rooftop of assets Attain sustainable building certifications and ratings for 50% of the Group’s portfolio Reduce energy consumption intensity in line with the Group’s Net Zero Carbon commitment and decarbonisation roadmap Achieve a 3-Star GRESB rating average Maintain a culture of strong Corporate Governance Adhere to UN PRI principles in our investment and asset management policies and practices
Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 13 OUR ESG APPROACH ESG in Action ESR Shenyang Hualong E-Commerce Industrial Park ESR SHENYANG HUALONG E-COMMERCE INDUSTRIAL PARK The completion of ESR Shenyang Hualong E-commerce Industrial Park has become part of our strategic initiative to expand our new economy business in China. This expansion focuses on key sectors such as logistics, data centres, life sciences and high-tech industries. Spanning an impressive site area of 108,812.36 sqm, this park has been identified as the nation’s cross border E-commerce cluster and centre with fully integrated infrastructure in Northeast China. Stakeholder Engagement • Jointly with JD.com, a major domestic e-commerce company to build three temperature warehouses • Cooperate with Jinkopower Co., Ltd. to adopt BIPV system Strategic Locations • Easily accessible to highway and railway station, only 10-minute driveway to Shenyang airport, providing optimal location to e-commerce, third-party logistics (3PLs) and cold storage enterprises Sustainable and Efficient Operations • Implement a total on-site solar power generation of 2 MW • Build three temperature warehouses (deep cold, normal cold and airconditioned) to provide stable power support for cold chain facilities • Install EV charging stations to utilise renewable energy sources • Install lighting timer switches at public areas to save energy Flexible and Adaptable Properties • Smart Park System – to view tenant information and monitor daily operational and environmental data in a real time basis Disclosure and Reporting • The property is part of GIC fund and will be participating in the GRESB standing investment assessment going forward We have taken proactive steps to lead the way in implementing ESG practices within our business. Through various initiatives, we are actively working to reduce our environmental footprint and create a sustainable portfolio by integrating ESG considerations into the planning, construction and maintenance of our assets. The core elements of our developments are in line with the key focus areas outlined in our Group’s ESG Framework.
Sustainable and Efficient Operations • State-of-the-art design and employee amenity space on roof level • Clear height ranging from 9.5-12m, 724 dock doors over four warehouse floors Strategic Locations • Prime infill distribution centre located within a master-planned logistics development • Excellent connectivity to Greater Seoul and major transport infrastructures including Gimpo International Airport and Incheon International Airport Flexible and Adaptable Properties • Multi-storey, ramp up distribution facility of roughly 300,000m² featuring ground-level cross dock Sustainable Building Certifications • Sustainable design with LEED Gold certification • WELL Gold certification from the International WELL Building Institute OUR ESG APPROACH ESR KOREA BUCHEON LOGISTICS PARK Situated in the western part of Seoul, Bucheon Logistics Park in Bucheon offers convenient access from Seoul and the Gyeonggi area through the beltway surrounding Seoul and Gyeongin Expressway. The logistics park is designed for optimum logistics efficiency with features such as a one-way circulation system, a one-side cross-platform docking system and a one-floor cross dock system. Additional amenities include mezzanine offices and top-floor support facilities, creating a pleasant working environment for logistics operations. Furthermore, the logistics complex is planned with an eco-friendly approach, aiming to achieve and maintain LEED Gold grade and green building certification. Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 14 ESG in Action Bucheon Logistics Park
177 Pacific Highway in Australia OUR ESG APPROACH 15 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 ESG in Action SUNTEC: 177 PACIFIC HIGHWAY Designed with sustainability and flexibility at the forefront, 177 Pacific is an impressive tower that stands tall above North Sydney, offering stunning views and 40,000 sqm of light-filled office space. This sophisticated workplace is home to renowned brands and brilliant minds, all sharing a lush garden plaza. It provides various amenities such as food and beverage options, end-of-trip facilities and 24-hour security. Stakeholder Engagement • Organise local events to strengthen connects among its occupants • The proximity to North Sydney’s attractions promotes a healthy work-life balance Strategic Locations • Offers a strategic location just minutes away from the CBD, accessible by car, bus or train. It is conveniently situated near North Sydney Station and the Victoria Cross metro, providing quick connections to Central, Martin Place and Barangaroo Sustainable and Efficient Operations • Full array of sustainable features to mitigate environmental impacts including use of low-temperature Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems, rainwater recycling and the use of materials with low embodied energy Flexible and Adaptable Properties • Lift large floor plates and floor-to-ceiling windows on every level, creating a sense of spaciousness • The communal areas, such as the kitchens and end-of-trip facilities, are designed intuitively, ergonomically and for enjoyment Sustainable Building Certifications • Awarded 5 Star Green Star Office As Built rating, 5 Star Green Star Office Design rating, 6 Star NABERS energy rating and 5 Star NABERS water rating
Palmers Logistics Estate Disclosure and Reporting • Part of LOGOS’ LAIV fund, an active participant in the GRESB standing investment assessment • Obtained GRESB 2-Star rating with on-going improvements Flexible and Adaptable Properties • Climate change adaptation plan developed in line with Green Star requirements and ISSB reporting framework • Free-standing automation structure allows for flexibility in removing or upgrading the systems to suit tenant needs Sustainable and Efficient Operations • Conducting a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to inform environmentally design choices and optimise material selection • Lower energy usage through efficient lighting design, double glazed windows, insulation and a planned 1 MW rooftop solar system • Water-efficient fixtures, rainwater capture and reuse and indigenous landscape design for reducing water consumption Strategic Locations • Well-connected to motorways, Melbourne Port, Melbourne Airport and the proposed Western Interstate Freight Terminal (WIFT), a significant regional infrastructure project Sustainable Building Certifications • Targeting a 5 star Green Star Design & As Built rating to validate sustainable design and construction efforts OUR ESG APPROACH Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 16 ESG in Action LOGOS: MONDELEZ AUSTRALIA WAREHOUSE Located 20 kilometres west of the Melbourne CBD, Mondelez Australia warehouse is a development in progress located in Palmers Logistics Estate at 90 Palmers, Truganina, Melbourne. The Mondelez building is a 42,774 sqm development comprising of state-of-the-art automation system supporting its business operations. The property will have a 1 MW on-site solar photovoltaic system which provides clean energy for on-site operations and will be targeting to achieve a 5 star Green Star Design & As Built rating.
18 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 PILLAR 1: HUMAN CENTRIC Focus Areas Goals Progress Stakeholder Engagement Conduct engagement initiatives with our stakeholders such as investors, business partners, tenants and communities to enhance our deliverables. Tenants: Tenant Engagement Surveys are conducted across our asset portfolio to improve building management and performance. From the results, tenant engagement initiatives such as enhancing environmental awareness, health, safety, and well-being are being implemented to improve overall tenant satisfaction. Such tenant satisfaction surveys were conducted by the funds and REITs under our business units (“BUs”) that also participate in the annual GRESB assessments i.e., ESR — Australia, China, Japan, Korea and India, LOGOS, ARA Private Funds and REITs — Suntec, Fortune, Prosperity and US Hospitality Investors: Capital partners and investors are regularly engaged on ESG matters throughout the year via different platforms such as ESG Non-Deal Roadshows and Investor Day. These engagement forums serve to facilitate communication and increase investors’ awareness of our ESG performance. Suppliers: Suppliers are regularly engaged through due diligence and screening using the Compliance Desktop platform. The elected suppliers are required to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, where applicable. Safety, Health & Well-being Maintain a safe working environment by achieving Zero ESR Workforce Fatalities and promoting the holistic well-being of our people. 2030 Roadmap Target: Zero ESR Workforce Fatalities Zero workforce fatalities was achieved in FY2023 for ESR Group’s employees. Ensuring safety remains a top priority and we are actively pursuing measures to enhance safety protocols for our contractors. Managing & Developing Talent Aspire to be an Employer of Choice and drive an employee engagement programme with a strong focus on workplace satisfaction, talent retention and training. An inaugural Group-wide Employee Engagement Survey was conducted in July 2023, with an average employee satisfaction score of 4.25 (out of 5) and an overall response rate of 80%. Continued efforts have been made through the implementation of employee engagement initiatives, including various Group-wide events and rollouts to foster collaboration and belonging. Further details can be found in this report. Human Centric The first Pillar of our ESG Framework: Human Centric focuses on the social aspect of our operations, covering areas relating to both our internal and external stakeholders.
19 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 PILLAR 1: HUMAN CENTRIC Focus Areas Goals Progress Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Commit to fostering workplaces that embrace diversity and are free from discrimination, and achieve a gender ratio target as part of the overall diversity & inclusion plan with monitoring actions and progress. 2030 Roadmap Target: 50/50 women/men gender ratio Gender ratio across the Group’s employees was 45.4% in 2023, an increase from 44.8% in 2022. There are currently 13 directors on the Board including 4 females as of 1 January 2024 (2023: 3 female directors), equivalent to 31% female representation at the Board-level. Community Investment Enhance community involvement and philanthropic activities through a series of planned activities involving our stakeholders. 2030 Roadmap Target: Creation of an ESR Group Foundation programme with an investment capacity of up to US$20 million As part of the plans to establish an ESR Foundation, a Group Social Impact Committee was set up to drive group-wide community investment initiatives with global consistency and local relevance and participations. Various ongoing community engagement initiatives were conducted in local and overseas offices, in line with the Group’s three focus areas of Strengthening Social Resilience, Health and Well-being, Promoting Education & Upskilling and Protecting the Environment. Inaugural Group-led volunteer activity with Suncare (SG-based) charity is to be piloted in 2024. Human Centric KLÜBB Lounge, ESR Yokohama Sachiura Distribution Centre 2, Japan
20 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 PILLAR 1: HUMAN CENTRIC Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder engagement is integral to the way we do business. We maintain close connections with our stakeholders, both internal and external, to achieve shared business goals that align with our core values. Constructive engagement and long-term relationships are integral to our business, enabling us to pursue continuous improvement. We listen to and reflect upon the views of key stakeholder groups, consider the performance of our peers and keep abreast on the latest developments and technologies relevant to our industry to sustain our competitive advantage in the market. EMPLOYEES ESR values its workforce, as it is key to propelling the business forward and achieving major operational milestones. Our people continue to be fundamental to the resilience and agility of the Group. Attracting and retaining the right talent is crucial to our continued success. Three out of the five focus areas in the Human Centric pillar of our ESG Framework address various aspects of human capital management, including Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Managing & Developing Talent, and Safety, Health & Well-being. We engage our employees through various channels — including Employee Engagement Surveys, myESR Intranet, Townhall sessions, Learning Bites sessions, In-Conversation sessions with our Group Co-founders and Co-CEOs and Social impact initiatives with our senior management teams. TENANTS 3PLande-Commercebusinessesaccount for themajorityof our tenant base. The remainder comprisesbrick-and-mortar retailers, manufacturers, cold-chain logisticsandothers. Thecommonalityof all thesehighly valued tenants is theneed tobeclosely connected to their customers inorder tooperatehighlyefficient supply chains. Our role is toprovidesustainableand innovativesolutions toenable our tenants tomeet thisneed. Inaddition, ourpropertymanagers are responsible forupholding thehighest standardsexpectedof our facilities throughout the region. Theyengage tenantsand liaiseclosely withvendors inourmanagedproperties tooverseesecurity, cleaning, repairsandothermaintenance. Inaddition to regularmeetings,we alsoobtain tenant feedback throughsurveys, 24/7call centresand hostingcommunityevents. Ourpropertyandassetmanagersare equippedwithoperational expertisewith their individual performance linked tosustainability indicatorsof theirbuildings,which theywork closelywith the tenants toachievesuchobjectives. Other ongoing engagement initiativeswerecarriedout during theyear including our continuedpartnershipwithHealthyHeads inTrucks&Sheds (underPillar 1:HumanCentricp.24), LunarNewYear activities for office tenants, festival social activities (i.e.Mid-AutumnFestival and InternationalWomen’sDay), regular celebrationsat parkpremises and tenant satisfactionsurveys. INVESTORS AND CAPITAL PARTNERS ESR has developed longstanding relationships with several of the world’s largest and leading pension and sovereign wealth funds. We cultivate strong and sustainable relationships with our investors and capital partners, including shareholders, analysts and fundmanagers, by providing regular and relevant information on corporate and business developments. We also recognise the increasing demands from these stakeholders for comprehensive disclosure on ESG-related risks and opportunities, particularly those related to climate change and the journey to net zero. Apart from regular updates via our press releases, ESR’s website and social media, ESG and Annual Reports and our participation in globally recognised ESG benchmarks such as GRESB and UN PRI, we have additional engagement channels such as investor meetings and roadshows (e.g., ESGNon-Deal Roadshows and Investor Day), quarterly reporting updates, Annual General Meetings and announcements posted on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. COMMUNITIES Contributing positively to the sustainable development of the communities is integral to our corporate vision. As part of our ESG Framework, we established a goal in creating a coordinated, Group-wide Community Engagement Programme that will tie various initiatives fromour local offices together into a coherent approach. Various ongoing community engagement initiatives are organised across local and overseas offices. An inaugural Group-led volunteer activity with Suncare (SG-based) charity is to be piloted in 2024. SUPPLIERS AND CONTRACTORS ESR seeks to engage and work with our suppliers and contractors (collectively referred to as “Suppliers”) to adhere to high standards of ESG for their products and services. Specifically, we expect our Suppliers to uphold business integrity principles including business conduct, fair competition and confidentiality, amongst other factors. On social related areas, our Suppliers are also expected to respect basic human rights, prohibit modern slavery and discrimination and uphold health and safety standards. On the environmental front, our Suppliers should comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations and minimise the environmental impact from their activities. The Group has continual engagement with its Suppliers through Compliance Desktop® platform and the Supplier Code of Conduct has been implemented across our supply chain. REGULATORS The Group is subject to the applicable laws and regulations of the various jurisdictions where we operate, and robust policies and procedures are put in place to facilitate the compliance with those regulations. We do not tolerate any breach in regulatory compliance and work closely with external legal professionals and internal compliance teams on legal and regulatory matters. Furthermore, the Group engages regulators to provide feedback and stay informed of the latest developments on regulatory issues and implements regular compliance training and updates to the employees. ESR also has corporate memberships in various industry bodies and associations, which facilitate engagement with the authorities.
CASE STUDY 21 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 PILLAR 1: HUMAN CENTRIC Stakeholder Engagement Integrating the Human-Centric Touch — Japan A Lounge in Higashi Ogishima Distribution Centre In Japan, our assets are designed with occupants in mind as the facilities boast a suite of human centric features such as KLUBB — lounges, fitness centres and skydeck, female-friendly spaces and children’s day-care centres. These day-care centres are typically known as “BARNKLUBB” which have large scale facilities exceeding 100,000 sqm. Offered free of charge and managed by licensed day-care providers, our BARNKLÜBBs provide high-quality bilingual childcare services, which are well received by families working at the tenant companies. Not only does this initiative support ESR’s customers in attracting and keeping the talent they need — particularly working mothers, it also improves the well-being of on-site employees and workforce productivity, whilst creating greater inclusiveness, diversity and flexibility. ESR Spring School at ESR Fujiidera Distribution Centre Using the spaces in our assets as a venue, ESR hosted the 2023 Summer, Winter and Spring Schools within BARNKLÜBB at ESR Kuki Distribution Centre (DC), Redwood Fujiidera DC and Redwood Nanko DC1. The first summer school was held in 2019 at ESR Kuki DC. Various content such as English lessons by native instructors, art & craft workshops, drama and exercise classes were offered to boost the children’s interaction with one another. To date, there are 9 such BARNKLÜBBs established in Japan.
22 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 PILLAR 1: HUMAN CENTRIC Safety, Health & Well-Being People are our greatest asset, as ESR is not able to achieve its success without their unwavering support. We continue to expand our efforts to prioritise employee well-being and development and enhance collaboration across the enlarged Group. To promote a safe environment for our employees, we ensure full compliance with the relevant employment and occupational health and safety laws and regulations in all jurisdictions where we operate in. Occupational Health and Safety In alignment with the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety (“OHS”) international standard, various business units including ESR China, ESR Data Centre and ARA Property Management (representing around 10% of the Group’s total AUM as at end-2023) have obtained the ISO 45001 certification. This certification provides a framework to manage risks and improve on our OHS performance through policies, planning, implementation, auditing, and review. Key elements of this certification include hazard identification and risk assessment, legal and regulatory compliance, emergency planning, incident investigation and continual improvement. Building on good OHS standards, we intend to roll out this ISO 45001 certification to other business units within the Group going forward. In implementing OHS at the business unit level, our property and project managers are also required to attend Occupational First Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (“CPR”), Automated External Defibrillator (“AED”) and the Company Emergency Response Team (“CERT”) training courses to equip themselves with skills to be in-house first responders. Specifically for our property development teams, there are established worksite safety programmes to enhance incidents prevention and emergency preparedness. In addition, there are measures in place on the oversight of the general contractor and related service providers, to ensure responsibility of the entire site and compliance with local building and safety regulations. This includes monitoring the number and status of contractors at sites, conducting periodic meetings to discuss related risks and ensuring that emergency trainings are conducted. We also work closely with our supply chain to ensure that employees of our contractors are provided with adequate standards of safety and health protection as specified in our Supplier Code of Conduct. Contractor Safety Management System In accordance with relevant and local workplace health and safety regulations, a robust contractor safety management system is implemented to integrate on-site health and safety management processes. At LOGOS, a centralised real-time dashboard manages contractors from pre-qualification to onboarding and ensure compliance with the Group’s environmental and H&S standards. To ensure that all incidents occurring in the worksite is investigated promptly, the Rapid Global dashboard also ensures that all incidents or non-compliance with safety standards and accidents involving employees and/or subcontractors are also reported to management in real-time, with effective and practical remedial measures are taken to prevent recurrence. Lessons learnt from incidents and near misses are shared with all relevant team members to prevent recurrence. Safety Leadership & Governance: A real example at one of our assets At Moorebank Logistics Estate, we have built a fully customised safety governance and reporting platform to enhance safety reporting and management of our 200+ hectare site. This customised LOGOS platform helps to streamline the process of collecting safety data and incident reports from all general contractors on a rolling and monthly basis. The cloud-based web platform allows workers to instantly access and contribute to the data conveniently. This project is built in collaboration with multiple joint venture development partners, to improve and integrate data analysis and reporting, specifically on safety. The objective is to drive effective decision making aligned to improving risk management, by identifying trends in development sites’ risk profile across each development stage. The project team undertook training and implementation, incorporating nine general contractor representatives on the use and participation of the safety platform. Going forward, the Group seeks to leverage the use of technology to advance health and safety topics, as well as gleaning insights from this project to apply to other assets.
23 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 PILLAR 1: HUMAN CENTRIC Safety, Health & Well-Being Health and Well-being At the workplace, we are committed to providing a safe working environment and promoting a holistic well-being for our employees with a healthy work-life balance. We actively engage our employees across multiple levels to reinforce that health and safety are a shared responsibility. Policies are put in place at the Group level on our Intranet such as the “Employee Health and Safety”, the “No Violence Workplace” sections under the Group HR Policy and the “Discrimination and Harassment” sections from our Code of Conduct and Business Ethics to clearly outline appropriate behaviour at the workplace. In addition, we have incorporated local company policies and operating practices addressing health, safety, and well-being to cater to local contexts. All employees must follow company policies and guidelines from the Group Human Resource and Compliance departments. If an employee identifies a potential hazard, they are required to raise the issue to their manager or HR without delay. We recognise that health and well-being, including mental health, are core enablers of organisational performance. To promote these areas across the Group, we organised regular online and in-person health and well-being initiatives such as “Good Ergonomics for Better Workplace Health” webinar, as well as various workplace fitness programmes. All eligible1 employees, including contract and/or part-time employees, have access to a comprehensive welfare and benefits programme ranging from health and risk insurance coverage, pension plan obligations/social security contributions, wellness initiatives, as well as various types of leave schemes. These include parental leave, family care and childcare leave subject to local jurisdictions. Such practices provide our employees with more flexibility in managing caregiving demands. At our premises, we strive to incorporate recreational facilities, break-out areas, pantries stocked with healthy foods and improved access to nature via green trails. 1 Subject to eligibility conditions applicable to the respective markets. If and where applicable, pro-ration may be adopted. Intentional conversations on safety: Site ‘STOP’ for Safety We recognise the importance of raising safety awareness and fostering conversations on related topics. In Australia, LOGOS organised a safety event at our largest development with 400+ workers in attendance. We collaborated with a large customer, where the development site was stopped for the morning to cater for several guest speakers, making a safety pledge and organising a barbeque. As this customer has a significant contractor presence on-site, a collaboration on this event brought amplified importance around workplace safety, benefiting not just the site, but closer working relations across both companies. The guest speakers shared about the importance of safety at work, emphasising on personal relevance, speaking up and taking actions. At the development site, a message board was set up to encourage all workers to write a personal pledge under the heading “I work safely because…” to relate the day to something personal and unique for each individual. We received positive feedback from several general contractors who expressed their appreciation that a developer took the time and interest to organise such an event to raise safety awareness and standards.
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