20 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 PILLAR 1: HUMAN CENTRIC Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder engagement is integral to the way we do business. We maintain close connections with our stakeholders, both internal and external, to achieve shared business goals that align with our core values. Constructive engagement and long-term relationships are integral to our business, enabling us to pursue continuous improvement. We listen to and reflect upon the views of key stakeholder groups, consider the performance of our peers and keep abreast on the latest developments and technologies relevant to our industry to sustain our competitive advantage in the market. EMPLOYEES ESR values its workforce, as it is key to propelling the business forward and achieving major operational milestones. Our people continue to be fundamental to the resilience and agility of the Group. Attracting and retaining the right talent is crucial to our continued success. Three out of the five focus areas in the Human Centric pillar of our ESG Framework address various aspects of human capital management, including Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Managing & Developing Talent, and Safety, Health & Well-being. We engage our employees through various channels — including Employee Engagement Surveys, myESR Intranet, Townhall sessions, Learning Bites sessions, In-Conversation sessions with our Group Co-founders and Co-CEOs and Social impact initiatives with our senior management teams. TENANTS 3PLande-Commercebusinessesaccount for themajorityof our tenant base. The remainder comprisesbrick-and-mortar retailers, manufacturers, cold-chain logisticsandothers. Thecommonalityof all thesehighly valued tenants is theneed tobeclosely connected to their customers inorder tooperatehighlyefficient supply chains. Our role is toprovidesustainableand innovativesolutions toenable our tenants tomeet thisneed. Inaddition, ourpropertymanagers are responsible forupholding thehighest standardsexpectedof our facilities throughout the region. Theyengage tenantsand liaiseclosely withvendors inourmanagedproperties tooverseesecurity, cleaning, repairsandothermaintenance. Inaddition to regularmeetings,we alsoobtain tenant feedback throughsurveys, 24/7call centresand hostingcommunityevents. Ourpropertyandassetmanagersare equippedwithoperational expertisewith their individual performance linked tosustainability indicatorsof theirbuildings,which theywork closelywith the tenants toachievesuchobjectives. Other ongoing engagement initiativeswerecarriedout during theyear including our continuedpartnershipwithHealthyHeads inTrucks&Sheds (underPillar 1:HumanCentricp.24), LunarNewYear activities for office tenants, festival social activities (i.e.Mid-AutumnFestival and InternationalWomen’sDay), regular celebrationsat parkpremises and tenant satisfactionsurveys. INVESTORS AND CAPITAL PARTNERS ESR has developed longstanding relationships with several of the world’s largest and leading pension and sovereign wealth funds. We cultivate strong and sustainable relationships with our investors and capital partners, including shareholders, analysts and fundmanagers, by providing regular and relevant information on corporate and business developments. We also recognise the increasing demands from these stakeholders for comprehensive disclosure on ESG-related risks and opportunities, particularly those related to climate change and the journey to net zero. Apart from regular updates via our press releases, ESR’s website and social media, ESG and Annual Reports and our participation in globally recognised ESG benchmarks such as GRESB and UN PRI, we have additional engagement channels such as investor meetings and roadshows (e.g., ESGNon-Deal Roadshows and Investor Day), quarterly reporting updates, Annual General Meetings and announcements posted on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. COMMUNITIES Contributing positively to the sustainable development of the communities is integral to our corporate vision. As part of our ESG Framework, we established a goal in creating a coordinated, Group-wide Community Engagement Programme that will tie various initiatives fromour local offices together into a coherent approach. Various ongoing community engagement initiatives are organised across local and overseas offices. An inaugural Group-led volunteer activity with Suncare (SG-based) charity is to be piloted in 2024. SUPPLIERS AND CONTRACTORS ESR seeks to engage and work with our suppliers and contractors (collectively referred to as “Suppliers”) to adhere to high standards of ESG for their products and services. Specifically, we expect our Suppliers to uphold business integrity principles including business conduct, fair competition and confidentiality, amongst other factors. On social related areas, our Suppliers are also expected to respect basic human rights, prohibit modern slavery and discrimination and uphold health and safety standards. On the environmental front, our Suppliers should comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations and minimise the environmental impact from their activities. The Group has continual engagement with its Suppliers through Compliance Desktop® platform and the Supplier Code of Conduct has been implemented across our supply chain. REGULATORS The Group is subject to the applicable laws and regulations of the various jurisdictions where we operate, and robust policies and procedures are put in place to facilitate the compliance with those regulations. We do not tolerate any breach in regulatory compliance and work closely with external legal professionals and internal compliance teams on legal and regulatory matters. Furthermore, the Group engages regulators to provide feedback and stay informed of the latest developments on regulatory issues and implements regular compliance training and updates to the employees. ESR also has corporate memberships in various industry bodies and associations, which facilitate engagement with the authorities.