26 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 PILLAR 1: HUMAN CENTRIC In 2023, the Group conducted its inaugural Group-wide Employee Engagement Survey, which covered key areas such as leadership, supervision, career development, job satisfaction, teamwork and collaboration, communication, health and mental well-being. The survey garnered an overall average score of 4.25 out of 5, with a response rate of 80%. This survey serves as a baseline for us to benchmark ourselves going forward as we continue to improve our overall employee satisfaction and engagement. As part of the Employee Engagement Survey, a Survey Liaison Officer (SLO) has been appointed for each local office to manage effective follow-up communication and employee engagement action plans. These SLOs are responsible for rallying employee interests and championing employee engagement initiatives that will help to drive positive change in the workplace. INCLUSION, RESPECT AND TEAMWORK ESR values the diverse range of perspectives and backgrounds of its people. The Group continued to engage employees from various business units and offices over group-wide social events for team bonding and collaboration. These events enabled our employees to build stronger working relationships and improve communication, while fostering a sense of unity and breaking down any silos during the integration of our business. In 2023, we held our first-ever ESR Group Global Art Competition, where we received 72 impressive entries from our budding artists aged 5 to 15 including our staff’s children. The theme is for the children to share their vision of a sustainable future through their hand-drawn artworks. Celebrating the children’s accomplishments across our global network, the top 12 winners each received an Apple iPad to empower them to create digital works of art. The rest of the participants received gift cards and book vouchers as tokens of appreciation. Our first-place winner was Kaka, and her artwork was brought to life through a touch of animation magic in our ESR Group 2023 Christmas e-card. The top 12 winners’ artworks were also featured in our ESG Group calendar for 2024 symbolising the hope and dreams of our next generation. Managing & Developing Talent With the success and positive feedback from last year’s inaugural Durian Fiesta, we held the second edition for all Singapore-based employees in 2023. Over 200 employees attended this event to enjoy 350 kilograms of the fragrant Mao Shan Wang durians, freshly de-husked on the spot, though it quickly became less about the fruit and more about making connections and sharing laughers. Employees bonded over their common love for tropical fruits and used the opportunity to mingle with fellow colleagues from various business units. The Lunar New Year marked the first large scale event for ESR Singapore, ARA, LOGOS and ESR-LOGOS REIT staff to get together. Jeffrey Shen, our Group Co-founder and Co-CEO, hosted the festive celebration, which included a traditional lion dance performance, game stalls, buffet lunch and lucky draws. Aside from positive feedback on the interactivity and festivity aspects, our colleagues expressed appreciation on the table seating, which intentionally placed them with different business units to foster networking within the larger ESR family. Apart from the new year celebration, we also hosted various social events with a focus on physical wellness, namely a team-based wellness challenge, cycling spinout classes, aerobic classes and a running club. In Indonesia, teams from ESR and LOGOS came together to share a new office, as part of the integration to leverage on business synergies and collaboration. In addition to a ribbon cutting ceremony, an Indonesian tradition of cutting Tumpeng was held to symbolise unity. Senior management held a townhall session to facilitate alignment with team members on the shared vision and future business plans. Winning entry, Kaka Yao 11 years old