69 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 PILLAR 3: CORPORATE PERFORMANCE GROUP ESG POLICIES ESR believes that robust and effective corporate policies and practices are vital in driving ESR’s long-term sustainable growth. In line with our ESG vision, mission, and framework, the Group policies are approved by the Board. These policies set the tone for a unified approach to corporate governance and incorporate ESG into every aspect of our operations and business. The Group has established a comprehensive and robust suite of corporate ESG policies that are aligned with global ESG frameworks, standards and industry best practices including but not limited to the UN SDGs, UN PRI, GRESB, GRI, IFRS S1 & S2, MSCI and Sustainalytics ESG Risk Ratings. Guided by the Group policies, the business units adapt and update their operating standards and processes in light of local requirements, rules, and regulations. We work closely with our stakeholders to influence them to operate responsibly, in alignment with our ESG Framework, commitments and policies such as the Code of Conduct and Business Ethics, Supplier Code of Conduct and Sustainable Procurement. These policies are made available to all staff, suppliers and partners. We also provide targeted training on all new or revised policies via online courses (recorded videos and modules), which are updated and supplemented on an annual basis. This includes the human rights policy which featured as part of the suite of revised ESG policies being implemented and rolled out as training to all employees in 2023. The table below summarises our ESG policies that solidify our accountability to our stakeholders and set the ESG objectives and factors that are integral to our business. Policy Objective ESG Policy Articulates our commitment to managing our business in a sustainable manner through integrating ESG considerations across our business, in alignment with the Group’s ESG Framework, ESG Roadmap and all related policies outlined in the appendices to form the Group’s ESG commitment and approach. Human Centric (Social) Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Sets out the approach and guidelines to promote a diverse workforce and an inclusive working environment across the Group. Human Rights Reflects our commitment and sets out our principles to protect human rights within the ESR’s sphere of influence by adopting responsible workplace and employment practices, and conducting business operations in a manner that preserves the dignity and respect of all people with whom the Group engages. Quality of Assets and Services Sets out the commitment of ESR to provide exceptional quality of assets and services through tenant engagement, proactive investment, asset and property management and providing a safe and healthy environment for its stakeholders. Community Development Sets out ESR’s commitment to act as a responsible corporate citizen and contribute to the economic and social development of communities where we operate in. Group Human Resources Outlines ESR’s people management philosophy and practices to support the Group’s purpose and business operations. It outlines guidelines for our employment practices, employee work conduct, employee development, rewards, employee engagement and HR governance. Corporate Governance