72 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 PILLAR 3: CORPORATE PERFORMANCE Corporate Performance (Governance) Enterprise Risk Management Framework Provides a holistic and systematic approach for the identification, assessment, monitoring and reporting of risks, including those connected to the topics covered by our ESG Framework. Conflicts of Interest In Relation to Fund Management & Capital Sets out the principles to manage conflicts of interests in the management of funds to maintain the highest standards of conduct consistent with fiduciary duties to investors. Supplier Code of Conduct Sets out the standards for suppliers relating to regulatory compliance, business conduct, labour practices, environmental protection, sustainable procurement and health and safety. Responsible Investment Sets out the framework for the Group on responsible investing within our business and outlines our commitment to responsible investing and the integration of ESG factors into our investment and asset management processes across different asset classes, markets and investment teams. ESG Data Collection and Review Outlines review guidelines for data to be reported in our annual ESG report, in compliance with the relevant provisions from HKEX Main Board Listing Rule 13.91 and ESG Reporting Guide, and in accordance with the GRI standards. Information Security Provides guidance for the establishment and operation of the information security framework and the construction of the Group’s information security management system (ISMS) to ensure the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information which has significant influence on our operations and provide information security assurance for the our growing business. Group Crisis Management Sets out the framework on crisis management as part of the our commitment to ensure business continuity. Social Media Outlines the boundaries and use of social media platforms or channels for the Group’s communications. Note: Selected policies are made publicly available on ESR’s corporate website at www.esr.com Corporate Governance