Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 86 ABOUT THIS REPORT ESG Data Summary 2023 by Business Unit1 2022 2023 ESR Australia ESR China ESR Hong Kong ESR India ESR Indonesia ESR Japan ESR Korea ESR SG ESR LOGOS REIT ESR Thailand ARA LOGOS Number of Employees2,3 Total 1,400 1,354 128 143 71 83 11 75 94 50 77 16 262 344 By Gender Male 772 739 75 91 33 64 8 52 62 24 25 6 95 204 Full time 768 736 74 91 33 64 8 52 62 24 25 6 95 202 Part time 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Permanent 748 709 75 91 32 64 5 52 62 24 25 6 86 187 Temporary 24 30 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 9 17 Non-guaranteed hours 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Female 628 615 53 52 38 19 3 23 32 26 52 10 167 140 Full time 622 605 46 52 38 19 3 21 32 26 52 10 166 140 Part time 6 10 7 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 Permanent 604 586 49 52 38 19 3 21 32 26 52 10 160 124 Temporary 24 26 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 7 16 Non-guaranteed hours 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 By Age Under 30 years 157 147 24 9 3 4 1 7 10 10 2 1 31 45 30’s 616 602 51 75 28 42 3 12 56 23 42 4 93 173 40’s 420 420 34 49 24 24 2 32 23 13 24 7 94 94 50 years and over 207 185 19 10 16 13 5 24 5 4 9 4 44 32 By Employee Category Senior Management3 563 550 40 102 25 65 3 15 45 26 23 1 92 113 Middle Management 524 510 56 35 38 18 3 41 45 14 27 12 81 140 General & Operations 313 294 32 6 8 0 5 19 4 10 27 3 89 91 1 The disclosure on employees is based on the breakdown by business units instead of by region as the Group’s employees are grouped according to the business units’ locations. 2 The total number of employees refers to employees with direct employment relationship with the Group as at 31 December 2023. Direct employment relationship refers to individuals that are directly employed by ESR where both parties (employer and employee) agree to the terms of employment, including job duties, compensation, and working conditions. ESR has direct control over the employee’s work tasks, supervision, and performance. The relationship is governed by employment laws, regulations, and contractual agreements.The total headcount for the Group is 2,298 as at 31 December 2023, which includes headcount from property management services. 3 Senior Management includes 31 headcount which comprises the Group Co-founders & Co-CEOs, ESR Group Leadership Team (6 Males and 2 Females), and ESR Business Leadership Team (18 Males and 3 Females). Employee Category 2023 Male Female < 30 years 30's 40's > 50 years Senior Management 550 (41%) 377 (51%) 173 (28%) 2 (1%) 182 (30%) 247 (59%) 119 (64%) Middle Management 510 (38%) 279 (38%) 231 (38%) 50 (34%) 301 (50%) 112 (27%) 47 (25%) General & Operations 294 (22%) 83 (11%) 211 (34%) 95 (65%) 119 (20%) 61 (15%) 19 (10%) Total 1,354 739 615 147 602 420 185