Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 89 ABOUT THIS REPORT ESG Data Summary PARENTAL LEAVE 2022 2023 Total no. of employees entitled to parental leave All female and male employees, in accordance with local regulations Total no. of employees that took parental leave8 127 184 Male 48 81 Female 79 103 Total no. of employees that did return after parental leave * 39 Male * 20 Female * 19 Total no. of employees that returned from parental leave still employed 12 months later * 38 Male * 17 Female * 21 Return to work rate (%) Male * 100% Female * 90% Retention rate (%) Male * 100% Female * 81% 8 Includes employees with children who took childcare leave. A total of 53 employees (22 males and 31 females) took only parental leave in FY23. * No data for FY22 as data was incomplete and methodology was refined in FY23.